Applications of Computer-aided Manufacturing in Ceramic 3D-Printing-Path Design


Yanhong Jia. [C] // 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID), 2021, pp. 339-342.

Yanhong Jia, Applications of Computer-aided Manufacturing in Ceramic 3D-Printing-Path Design. [100] // 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID), 2021, pp. 339-342.


With the rapid development of three-dimensional (3D) printing techniques, more materials, ranging from polymer materials, such as polylactic acid and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, to metal and ceramic materials, have been employed to realize blueprints. Among these, 3D printing of ceramics has developed rapidly in the past decade, and it greatly influences ceramics modeling designs. This technique has overcome the limitations of traditional ceramic processes and allows designers to produce creative parts more freely. For ceramic 3D printing, path designing is required. However, limited by the traditional knowledge of 3D printing path design, ceramic printing materials cannot be integrated with traditional printing paths. To solve this problem, herein, we review ceramic 3D printing designs over the past decade and combine computer-aided manufacturing technology to identify innovative cases and methods for designing ceramic 3D printing paths. This article provides good references for scientific research on ceramic design and innovation.