Praseodymium doped ceria: Model mixed ionic electronic conductor with coupled electrical, optical, mechanical and chemical properties


Solid State Ionics, 225, 194 (2012)


Tuller H L, Bishop S R, Chen D, et al. Praseodymium doped ceria: Model mixed ionic electronic conductor with coupled electrical, optical, mechanical and chemical properties[J]. Solid State Ionics, 2012, 225: 194-197.


Praseodymium doped ceria, PrxCe1−xO2−δ(PCO), exhibits many interesting and unusual properties includ-ing a pO2dependent ionic conductivity, an anomalously large thermal expansion coefficient in air, and a sig-nificant electronic conductivity component at elevated pO2. These unusual features are discussed in terms ofthe variable valent nature of Pr at elevated pO2, its position within the ceria band gap and the creation of animpurity band supporting small polaron transport. Implications for use of PCO as a ceria solid electrolytecompatible cathode, stress induced chemical expansion and optically detected redox kinetics are analyzedand discussed