Jeung Jihong
Principle Investigator
Aging experience, User modeling, User Centered Design and Testing


As one of the earliest professionals of HCI in South Korea, Professor Jeung Jihong(정지홍) has been working for HCI and Digital Media Design for more than 30 years. He was a president of Korea HCI Association and member of Korea Society of design Science.

He was Program Director of MCST (Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism), which is in charge of South Korea’s Government Culture Technology R&D Planning, Management and Business Development (2015-2018). Previously worked as a Vice President of Samsung Mobile, he managed User Experience Design for service and wearable devices. Dr. Jeung was also a Professor of UX design at Samsung Institute of Art and Design. He had been a professor in the Interaction Design at Kookmin University for more than 10 years. Dr. Jeung worked as a visiting professor at Zhongshan University and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

Today we are facing an aging society, people over 50 need a corresponding understanding and approach due to their cognitive and physical characteristics. Therefore, research on them is characterized by integration with physical, medical, biological, physiological, psychological, and social research. We want to solve the problem through understanding old adult with experts in various fields.

Jeung Jihong
Principle Investigator
Aging experience, User modeling, User Centered Design and Testing

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