Hanlu Ma
Graduate Student
Data Visualization / Information Experience Design/Human-Computer Interaction


Hanlu Ma who is a visual communication designer from Qingdao, CN is currently working based in Beijing. She received BFA from Tsinghua University and MFA from Politecnico di Milano, just finished her thesis with Density Design Lab. Now, she’s working for her double degree in information design in Tsinghua University.

Recent Project 

  • New media installation: Language Tree for Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021

  • Alibaba Data Park: Online Dissemination of Ecological Data and Offline Experience Design Project, 2021

  • Preparatory Group for "Ask:Our Diverse World: Tsinghua International Conference on Arts and Science Education" & "International Art and Design Colleges Excellent Graduation Works Exhibition" in the same period, 2021

  • Tsinghua University SDG Open Innovation Marathon Challenge " Space Art: Art and Space Cross-border Innovation Workshop", 2020

Recent Works

  • OFF TRACK: A Journey inside the Bitchute Infodemic Underground,featured by Chinagraph 2022, 2022

  • The SEEDTOPIA™ 24 Solar Terms Seeds Calendar, exhibited on GDC Awards 30th Anniversary Exhibition, featured by BranD and Cultural and Creative Story: Interpretation of Cultural and Creative Design Power, 2020

  • Weather Controller, Student Work Exhibition of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, 2019

Hanlu Ma
Graduate Student
Data Visualization / Information Experience Design/Human-Computer Interaction

Contact information
