Yunbing Chen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dream visualization, Neuroesthetic


Dr.Chen graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts with doctor, master, and bachelor degrees, focusing in art history and art theory. Besides the reviews and opinion articles, she has published more than dozen of academic papers. She traveled to hundreds of museums in over 40 countries in Europe and the United States for study and exchange, studying art history and art theory as well as museology and cultural policy in depth.As a curator with extensive experience in exhibition planning, Dr. Chen was awarded several academic scholarships. Her work has been included in a number of important exhibitions. She is currently conducting research in digital media art, and integration between technology and art.

Part of projects that she curated or participated in:

2015   Three and One Thirds – Shang Yang×Liang Shaoji×Xu Bing

2016   Beyond Action - Chinese Performance Art Invitational Exhibition

2016   Future Arts Annals - China×Poland Art Communication Exhibition

2016   FOCUS ASIA - Asia Video Art Exhibition

2017   57th Biennale Arte - Tender programme design TIANWEN of Chinese Pavilion

2019   EXTRA - Lawrence Malstaf

2019   Participated in Curator Program raised by China National Art Fund

2020   Participated in Youth Curatation Forum raised by China Art Association    

Yunbing Chen
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dream visualization, Neuroesthetic

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