Xuening Xi
Graduate Student
Natural HCI, Tangible interaction


Xuening Xi graduated from Beihang University in 2017 and received a bachelor's degree in art.

In 2019, she entered  Academy of Arts&Design,Tsinghua University for master's degree. Focus on the study of experience design, user research, and NUI(natural interaction interface).

Previous experience:

  • Future intelligent living - Beauty Natural Interaction Experience Design Research, including product industrial design, scene atmosphere model construction and light rendering, non-touch sensing system and mirror natural interactive flow, intelligent users based on different mirror-size real-time adaptation Interface and complete system.

  • Music Game Interaction Interface - Children's Smart Toy Design Based on LEGO Smart Hardware

  • Health Medical Services Product Interactive Interface Designbased on HoloLens

  • Serving robot experience system and interface design

  • Ai Interview SaaS Service System Experience and Product Design

  • Window robot scene setting, user research and experience design

Xuening Xi
Graduate Student
Natural HCI, Tangible interaction

Contact information
