Meng Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Human-Computer Interaction,Tangible Interface,Robotics,Innovative Education,Building Blocks


Meng Wang (王濛) is a postdoctoral researcher awarded with ShuiMu Scholarship by the university. In 2019 he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Design from Tsinghua University. During his Ph.D. study he also has research experience in institution including UCLA, LEGO Foundation (Denmark), and MSRA. His research mainly focuses on Tangible Interfaces and Robotics, for future life, entertainment and education. In conference of IEEE RO-MAN 2020 he served as a Special Session (Children and Robots) Chair. He is also a part-time writer and collaborator of Guokr (popular-science media, 果壳).

Meng Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Human-Computer Interaction,Tangible Interface,Robotics,Innovative Education,Building Blocks

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