Gang Liu
Postdoctoral Fellow
HCI design


Dr. Gang. Liu received his Ph.D. in design from the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University in 2019. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at The Future Laboratory, Tsinghua University.

He received his BE degree in Industrial Design from the Southeast University in 2009, MS degree in Industrial Design Engineer from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2010. His main research interest is Human-Computer-Interaction Design.

Previous publications:

  1. Yinting Zhang, Chuncheng Zhao, Gang Liu, and Ting Han.Cross-Platform Product Usability and Large Screen User Experience A Teleconference System U&E Research. Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design Practice Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8520, 2014, pp 469-479(EI检索)

  2. 刘岗, 黄定, 刘春荣. 基于决策实验室法的汽车造型特征偏好研究. 中国包装工业. 2014.12.

  3. 刘岗, 刘春荣. 商用飞机驾驶舱造型设计特征研究. 民用飞机设计与研究. 2015.3. 1.

  4. 刘岗. 东西方文字系统的易用性简化设计思维研究. 东方设计学研究(第三届东方设计论坛暨2017一带一路与东方设计国际学术研讨会论文集):上海交通大学出版社,2018.3.

  5. Yin H., Liu G., Yan Y. (2018) Improving Design Method of Loader Cockpit Through Ergonomics Simulation and Analysis. In: Tan J., Gao F., Xiang C. (eds) Advances in Mechanical Design. ICMD 2017. Mechanisms and Machine Science, vol 55. Springer, Singapore(EI)

  6. Su Y., Liu G., Zhang L. (2018) Research on the Design of Human Settlement System and Personal Air Purification System Under the Background of Internet of Things. In: Georgakopoulos D., Zhang LJ. (eds) Internet of Things – ICIOT 2018. ICIOT 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10972. Springer, Cham(EI检索)

  7. Liu G., Su Y. (2018) Study on Big Data Visualization of Joint Operation Command and Control System. In: Chin F., Chen C., Khan L., Lee K., Zhang LJ. (eds) Big Data – BigData 2018. BIGDATA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10968. Springer, Cham(EI检索)

  8. 刘岗, 陈超, 赵轶男等. 作战指挥控制系统人机交互设计框架研究. 包装工程 (已录用), 2019.

 Previous Patents

赵轶男,刘岗,孙裔申. 作战指挥中心多屏幕显控台:授权公告号,CN305147025 S.

Gang Liu
Postdoctoral Fellow
HCI design

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