Natural Human Machine Interaction and User Experience

Every moment, people are aging. But aging is a taboo topic for people, especially women.

This project hopes to design an art installation through clothing as a carrier, transferring human life to clothing, creating a living garment whose life is reflected in her aging. In the art installation, we control the form and texture of the garment to change through the technology of memory metal and hot air, and the folds grow on the surface of the fabric. When the user comes to our installation, the installation generates a physical garment for the user, representing the user as an "external object" wrapped around the human body, with the garment gradually aging and decaying in appearance, but the core of the human being will not change. Through this installation, the team hopes to convey the idea that the value of a person should not be reflected on the outside, but on the inside, and calls on people to reduce their obsession with looking young.
