
PalmBeat: A Kinesthetic Way to Feel Groove With Music



Qirui Sun, Shuqin Li, Zhihao Yao, Yuan-Ling Feng, and Haipeng Mi. 2021. PalmBeat: A Kinesthetic Way to Feel Groove With Music. 12th Augmented Human International Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 1–8.


We propose a novel way to enhance the music experience, which evokes listeners to move to the music then feel the musicians’ groove through their body movements. In musical psychology, the groove is defined as an inner urge or a spontaneous behavior to move with music, such as hands tapping, head bobbing, and full-body dance. Although everyone feels the groove while listening to music, professional musicians perform better in catching the music rhythm and translating it to body movements. In this work, we used active force feedback to provide musicians’ hand movements for listeners and conducted a user study to evaluate the approach. Results show a significant influence on listeners’ groove perception, and the influence positively correlates with the frequency of force feedback. Compared to the condition without the force feedback, listening to the music with force feedback will enhancing listeners’ experience of groove, making them feel the groove as the musicians’ feeling.