
Salon | Electrochemical reactions at atomic scale


From October 2021 to January 2022, the electrochemical materials laboratory, the future materials design and research center of the future laboratory of Tsinghua University, with the support of the "T...


From October 2021 to January 2022, the electrochemical materials laboratory, the future materials design and research center of the future laboratory of Tsinghua University, with the support of the "Tsinghua University Internationalization capability improvement program project", held the 7th to 17th "oxide research friendship and Academic Salon" around the theme of "atomic scale electrochemical reaction".

In electrochemical devices (high-temperature fuel cell, high-temperature proton cell, high-temperature electrolytic cell, ammonia electrolysis, and rare earth-based electronic phase transition, etc.), in-situ measurement technology (fluorescence microscope, electrochemical impedance, high-temperature AFM, etc.), Synchrotron radiation characterization technology (proton detection, XRD, XAS, APXPS, etc.) and theoretical calculation and simulation (electrocatalytic reaction mechanism, metal catalyst stability research, battery material development and Research) invited experts and scholars from more than 10 universities, research institutes and R & D departments in Norway, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, and China, carrying out in-depth academic exchanges on cutting-edge scientific issues.

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Friendly Academic Salon in The Future lab On OxiDe, FASTFOOD is an Academic Salon held by the electrochemical materials laboratory, the future materials design and research center of Tsinghua University. 17 sessions have been held since January 2021. Focusing on the research of oxides with electrocatalytic properties. The salon invited experts in relevant fields to introduce cutting-edge scientific research trends at home and abroad to teachers and students in a relaxed and active atmosphere, hoping to expand the international vision of teachers and students, improve everyone's academic taste and promote academic cooperation through the salon.

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